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What is Cellular Medicine? The Ultimate Alternative to Conventional Medicine.

What is Cellular Medicine? The Ultimate Alternative to Conventional Medicine.

Since the early 1900’s medicine has graduated more medical doctors, done more research, developed more medications and technology, and prescribed more drugs than ever before, and yet chronic disease has continued to grow at rapid rates. It’s obvious now that conventional medicine doesn’t work for chronic disease. Cellular Medicine is a different approach to care that addresses the root cause…

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Can Protein Shakes Help You Lose Weight?

Can Protein Shakes Help You Lose Weight?

Can protein shakes help you drop weight? Let’s learn about the types of protein powders available and the benefits they give. Meal replacement protein shakes can help you reduce your overall calorie intake each day, making you feel full for longer and taking the edge off your appetite. Relying too much on protein shakes could lead you to miss out…

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Reverse Age-related Muscle Loss Fast!

Reverse Age-related Muscle Loss Fast!

Ask most people what they imagine when they think of an aging man or woman and eventually, they’ll describe someone who’s frail, who’s weak, and has lost muscle mass, strength, and energy. But does it really have to be that way? In this article, we’ll look at a phenomenon called sarcopenia, the age-related loss of muscle mass and we’ll look…

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On a prescription weight loss med program? Try this protein-packed hot n spicy salmon Dinner recipe.

On a prescription weight loss med program? Try this protein-packed hot n spicy salmon Dinner recipe.

Give your prescription weight loss med program a protein-packed boost with this dinner idea. Introducing another recipe I know that you’ll enjoy! These hot and spicy, flaky, and delectable salmon bites are packed with protein and flavor. They’re also really simple to make and literally melt in your mouth. The sauce is the ideal complement that you can dash on…

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How To Age Slower! Anti-aging Secrets To Stay Youthful And Full Of Vitality Longer

How To Age Slower! Anti-aging Secrets To Stay Youthful And Full Of Vitality Longer

Premature aging-related diseases kill millions of people yearly. Accelerated aging is not normal contrary to popular belief. The problem is that, as you grow older, your risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and experiencing falls goes up every year. No wonder mankind has been trying to find the fountain of youth since ancient times: from legends to alchemy to telomeres.…

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How to Break a Weight Loss Plateau

How to Break a Weight Loss Plateau

A predictable occurrence in weight loss is when the weight loss stops despite continued efforts. A plateau is usually defined as a slowdown of BMR [Basal metabolic rate] with two weeks in a row without weight loss. Weight loss plateaus are common and can be easily explained – and overcome. Don’t get discouraged, keep up the hard work and you’ll…

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