You’re very likely aware that the hormone testosterone gave you your unique male characteristics as you reached your teen years, Traits like more muscle, and hair on your body. But lower testosterone levels as you age can cause problematic symptoms. At Primex Cellular Health our and our incredible team lead by Dr Eric Fete tests men for low testosterone via…
Winter is coming and with it all the wonderful viruses that cause illness. Everyone is susceptible, however, those people with pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and COPD are more at risk of experiencing severe symptoms. This is because their upper respiratory systems — the lining of their lungs for example — are already weak. Acidic Environments Are the…
Have some extra jiggle? Struggling with extra weight? You’re not alone. Fat loss is one of my clients’ most common challenges. I’ve had issues with this too, which is another reason I am motivated to help men feel, look and perform their best. When we were younger, we didn’t need to worry about what we ate or how often we…
Everyone wants to get fit and jacked, right? Well, even weekend warriors and those just looking to get in shape can benefit from exercise. With exercise comes the potential for injury and soreness. Even experienced trainees and athletes can get fatigued, sore, and damaged if proper prevention and recovery are not done on a regular basis. We all know that…