
25 Day Age Management Program

Original price was: $4999.Current price is: $1499.

Poor lifestyle choices and bad diets can add years to the face and take their toll on the cells in your body. This process has been linked to agerelated diseases such as atherosclerosis and cancer. Fortunately, with nutritional changes you can repair some of the damage and take years off your appearance and live a longer, healthier life.

Category: Tag: Product ID: 7939


Looking at what the average American eats on a typical day, it becomes clear why so many people age faster than normal. We are a nation of junk food eaters. As a result, millions of us are accelerating the aging process by decades.

This was my motivation to design a diet plan that could put the brakes on the aging process and return some of those lost years of youthful appearance and vitality. The great thing is that there is no calorie counting on this plan! It’s not a diet per se but a lifestyle nutrition plan.