Anyone that’s been working out for a while probably is aware how hard it is to gain muscle. For most of us, it can take years and years of consistency to see the muscle growth we want. Unfortunately, if you stop altogether, you can fall out of shape and lose hard-earned muscle quickly.

The good news is, it’s totally natural for your training to fluctuate throughout your life. It happens to all of us. Don’t worry, your body is prepared to make a comeback from it! You can regain muscle and get back to your old physique if you’ve lost some progress over time. You will have to work for it, but you can get it back!

How Do You Build Muscle?


First things first, how do you build muscle? Well, this is a complex question to answer, but I’ll keep it simple. To build muscle, you have to FORCE your body to do it. This is done in a couple ways.

  • Resistance Training: Lifting weights, for example, puts stress on your muscles. When you put enough stress on your muscles, it signals to your body that you need bigger and stronger muscles. This stress is measured by volume – Sets x Reps x Weight.
  • Rest and Nutrition: After creating the stimulus for muscle growth, you must rest and eat correctly. Muscles are made of protein and water, so drinking enough water, eating enough protein, and consuming sufficient calories are all necessary for muscle growth.

In short, that’s how you build muscle – focusing on resistance training, adequate rest, and proper nutrition.

I do have some good news though! Once you have gained muscle once, losing it isn’t permanent. You can regain the muscle you’ve lost, and it will be easier than it was to build it the first time. Let’s talk about why that is next.

How Muscle Memory is the Master Key to Rebuild Lost Muscle


If you’ve lost muscle, don’t worry. It won’t be permanent if you’re willing to get back to doing the work! We often think of muscle memory as something that helps us remember movements… Kind of like how a pianist knows just how to move their fingers during a song. That is muscle memory, but I’m talking about a different kind of muscle memory.

The muscle memory I’m referring to is the ability to regain muscle you’ve previously gained, and then lost. Your body remembers EVERYTHING! This means when you lose muscle from inactivity, you can gain it back faster than it took to build it in the first place. However, that’s only when you train and eat correctly.

The Big Question: How Long Does It Take to Regain Muscle?


Regaining muscle is also going to depend on factors like programming, previous fitness levels, and your age. Also, if you’re coming back from an injury, your inability to push 100% could prolong the process.

The only thing we do know is it will likely take you less time to regain muscle than it took you to build it originally. I’ve personally had times where it seemed like it only took me a few weeks to regain the muscle I lost previously. I’ve also had times where it took several months before I felt like I was back to my earlier muscle size.

How to Stop Muscle Loss


As far as workouts go, the basic idea is something is always better than nothing. So, if you can’t hit the gym for some reason, switch to bodyweight exercises you can do at home. That’s the idea.

Need Help Rebuilding Muscle?


So, you’re over 40? Or maybe took a break from training and lost some of your progress. It happens to almost everyone at some point in their lives. Don’t worry! If you’re ready to get back to regaining muscle, just know we can help! And if you’re dealing with the symptoms of low testosterone, don’t risk your health with unproven HGH treatments. Instead, choose the safe and effective option: cellular medicine-based testosterone replacement therapy.

Contact Us Today! Schedule your initial consultation with me, Dr. Eric, at Primex Cellular Health. Visit to learn more about our TRT hormone services and how we can help you feel less exhausted and more energetic. Reach out at 1-740-777-9717 or shoot me an email directly at Take the first step towards restoring your energy and vitality with!